What About Personal Freedom?

It’s time to correct the way that we see the world.
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Are we creatures of habit? How free are we really?

If you wanted to correct or change an offending habit in your life, how difficult would it be?

What are the offending habits that you find most difficult to change? We eat junk food on the run, get less sleep than we need, and collapse on
the couch for a bit of mindless ‘entertainment’ instead of walking a mile, or focusing on self improvement. All the while we are secretly disapproving of ourselves.

Change is difficult because we are programmable beings.

The anterior cingulate, the membrane between the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere, is responsible for pattern recognition. So, you learned how to ride a bike. Can you even imagine unlearning how to ride a bike?

Environment, habit, repetition, all equal very deep neurological programming and patterning. Sometimes it can be quite a mess to reprogram and change all of those dysfunctional and self-defeating patterns.

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Does approval or disapproval have anything to do with the way that you live your life?

Watch the eyes and body language of a child. A child is naturally seeking approval and attention. Rewarding positive behavior today reinforces positive behavior for a lifetime. In addition, well-earned approval increases self approval, confidence, and self esteem.

It’s time to correct the way that we see the world. We are so programmed for disapproval, and so inclined to see what’s wrong and not what is right.

What would motivate you more to make difficult life changes, pain or pleasure? Unfortunately, we are duel operational beings, both pain and pleasure have a great deal of influence in our lives.

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The deepest secret is that pain is what motivates most people to make serious changes in the way that they choose to live life.

We can always succeed in creating a new life of happiness and prosperity when we are introduced to a process of transmutation and transformation. ‘Unfortunately, trying’ to figure something out without the wisdom of a teacher is like trying to fight your way out of a paper bag. You tear everything else up around you and all you are left with is a disorganized mess. Lots of ‘puzzle pieces,’ but no picture on the box!

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My passion has focused for decades on researching why people get sick and why they don’t heal. My research and my healing practice include the less known issues of metabolic balance, tissue mineral balance, personal sovereignty, and spiritual enlightenment. 

As an empowerment coach, energy healer and spiritual teacher, I offer a special six-part foundational course in empowered health,
Healing the Mess of Life: Mind, Minerals, Miracles and Morphic Fields, where I discuss many facets of healing to empower you so you can design the health and life that you’ve always wanted. In this self-study course, I will guide you beyond the diagnosis, beyond the neurological mind fields and beyond the emotional booby traps to real empowerment and empowered extraordinary health.

The overview of my self-study foundational course is available


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Copyright 2019 © by Rachel L. Neumann of Your Pathway to Empowerment. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article in its entirety as long as you credit Rachel L. Neumann, the author by name, and include a working link back to this web page. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

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