Thinking Out Loud

Peel away, peel away the dense physical layers.

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What shortness of breath, fear, judgement or pettiness of being blocks the radiance and Light of who you really are? What negative emotions prevent the full embodiment of your joy, and ease of being? What works for you to bring you back to your true essence when you’ve lost your way?

The circumstances of life can so easily trap us in a prison of no escape — but we are not that!

The thing is, in this world both the thing we want and the thing we don’t want exist in the same place at the same time. In this world, both the thing and it’s opposite have to express themselves as what it is, and what it isn’t.

The paradox is that they are in fact coming from the very same energy and space of unconsciousness and conscious awareness.

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Light and dark, good and evil, sickness and health, lack and abundance, desire and the absence of what is desired, exist as one. Right on the other side of lack, is abundance. Right on the opposite side of my nervousness, is my essential confidence.

What am I to do with my lack, my fear, my worry, my lack of sustenance, those uncomfortable negative emotions and thoughts that have been disowned for lifetimes? If my essential Self is just behind the dust storm of negative emotions and thoughts, why not take time to stop, breathe deeply, and allow the energy of these emotions to leave?

Our essential work as spiritual beings is the work of the soul to purify and clarify the many opaque layers of heaviness and physicality, doubt and fear that have been accumulated over lifetimes, and to finally reveal the radiance and joy of the pure holy Light of our divine souls.

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We’ve spent lifetimes pushing away the ‘lesser parts’ of ourselves, not acknowledging, owning, or even feeling our grief, fear, shame, resentments, anger, and frustrations.

It’s past time to embrace and regather these exiled parts of us so that in wholeness we can become even stronger, so that we can transform not only ourselves, but this hurting and broken world as well.

Peel away, peel away the dense physical layers! Right beneath the chaos is the calm. Beneath the fear is amazing beauty, power, and strength. In this way we become vessels of healing energy for all of those individuals, family, and friends in our circle of life.


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Copyright 2018 © by Rachel L. Neumann of Your Pathway to Empowerment. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article in its entirety as long as you credit Rachel L. Neumann, the author by name, and include a working link back to this web page. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

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