Peace Is An Inside Job!
An Antidote to the Human Condition of Worry
So much darkness in the world you say. You watch the news and wonder “how much worse can the world get?” Countries crying for ‘spring’ get nothing but chaos, anarchy and poverty. The children grow up or die in the mud and squalor of the camps they are forced to call home.
If you have a heart, if you care at all, current events can’t help but affect you. The more conscious we are, the more we feel the energies of our worried friends around us and the more vigilant we need to become to elevate our own moods and energies.
On a personal level we experience economic challenges, like credit card debt, taxes due, and the power of inflation that shrinks our paychecks and threatens the bottom line on a monthly and even a daily basis.
The choices that we make and how we process the stress of personal worries and financial pressures will make our life either a heaven or something much worse.
You and I are the light in the darkness! We are the hope of something better, a new world that is promised.
We must elevate our moods and our energy. With chaos all around us, we don’t have the luxury of feeling sad or hopeless. As enlightened individuals we have a responsibility to become the resonance, the vibration, the energy of peace. Our own energetic vibration is capable of creating an entirely different morphic field in order to elevate our world and create peace, both within and without.
There are many transformational techniques available today including EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Tapping, the Release Technique, The One Command, and Matrix Re-imprinting. Each of these energy techniques has the power to release stress and create a powerful energy of peace in our minds and in our bodies when we use them.
I encourage you to download my PDF of the EFT Tapping Points HERE and using the I Prefer Peace script below, tap along with me about your worries, the economy, your expenses, and the anxiousness that you’re feeling.
You’ll find the place of peace and equanimity. You’ll feel better and so will I.
So, let’s begin, shall we?
1. Pause whatever it is that you are doing for the few minutes that it will take to tap along with me.
2. Plant both feet on the floor and sit up just a little more straight.
3. Draw in a deep luxurious, cleansing, compassionate breath of Light and Love for yourself and our world.
4. Close your eyes and think about what’s troubling you and feel the energy of that.
5. Begin tapping with the words below, or you may add some of your own words.
6. Breathe deeply, let go of worry and relax both mind and body.
7. Repeat as often as necessary, or whenever you feel worried or agitated.
The EFT Tapping Sequence for
I Prefer Peace
KC | Even though I feel fearful and worried about my finances, I prefer peace. |
KC | Even though the story I just read about the missing passenger jet makes me worried, I completely and deeply love and accept myself. |
KC | Even though my system is agitated from hearing what's happening in the world, I prefer peace. |
KC | Even though the country's economic challenges are activating all my beliefs about "not enough," I prefer peace. |
KC | Even though I am worried about covering my expenses while the country reels from inflation, I prefer peace. |
KC | Even though it is easy to dwell on crisis and failure and lack, I choose to count my blessings because I prefer peace. |
KC | Even though what's happening in the world makes me feel powerless, I choose to turn my attention to what is good in life because I prefer peace. |
KC | Even though it is easy to dwell on crisis and failure and lack, I choose to count my blessings instead because I prefer peace |
H | So easy to get anxious about my finances. |
EB | I prefer peace. |
OE | It seems like everything is falling apart. |
E | I prefer peace. |
UN | Easy to feel like everything is going wrong. |
CH | I prefer peace. |
CB | Hard to get my attention off the lack of financial stability. |
UA | I prefer peace. |
H | Even though the crisis is swirling all around me. |
EB | Even though I feel a lack of control over the events in my life. |
OE | Feeling peaceful is an inside job. |
E | Feeling peaceful is entirely in my control. |
UN | It just takes practice and I prefer peace! |
CH | I’m creating the peace inside of me that I would like to see in the world! |
CB | I prefer peace! |
H | Peace is possible. I am radiating my interior peace out into the world! |
Remember that you and I are consciously choosing how and who we will be in every moment of every day. We can choose to be empowered. We can choose to change our energetic vibration. We can absolutely choose deep inner peace and calm no matter what the outer circumstances are in our lives because Peace is always an inside job.
Blessings to you today and always,
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Copyright 2014 © by Rachel L. Neumann of Your Pathway to Empowerment. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article in its entirety as long as you credit Rachel L. Neumann, the author by name, and include a working link back to this web page. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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