MONEY ANGELS: Are You Running From Yours?
03/19/12 Categories: Empowerment | Money
What's Your Money I.Q.?
I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t want to improve their financial status if given half a chance. Yet the majority of the spiritually evolved leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs that I coach have huge conflicts when it comes to the concept of ‘money.’ It seems that the more spiritual an individual considers him or herself to be, the more incongruent and conflicted they are about money, wealth and abundance. Why is it that the spiritually evolved individual is burdened and suffers with debt, doesn’t have the resources to invest in their business, or is living the old adage of “from hand to mouth?”
Why is there such a disconnect between lofty spiritual ideals and wealth? What do you think of when you think of money, wealth or abundance? If you were a very rich person, would it make you feel uncomfortable? Would you hide it from your friends?
The funny thing is that when you are experiencing a lack of money, your thoughts and worry about money take up so much more of your time than when money is naturally flowing to you and through you in abundance. If you truly became the energy, space and consciousness of wealth, money and abundance, would you finally feel empowered to step out onto the stage of life and bring your brilliance to the world? Who would you be if you healed all your issues around money, success, and self worth? What’s the risk for you of having this ever-expanding wealth? Of really stepping out onto the stage of life in a public way?
I help clients bust through their money set points and clean up myriad negative and limiting beliefs about money. The good news is that part of you is ready to let go of limiting ideas about wealth, abundance and riches. The bad news is that there’s also a part of you that may not want this money breakthrough at all. That’s the part of you that only knows ‘just getting by.’ Or the part that grew up with the ‘more month at the end of the money’ experience as a child. Or the part that sincerely believes somewhere deep inside the subconscious mind that ‘there is something not so good about money.’
I spent almost an entire session recently working with and neutralizing limiting ideas about wealth and generating money. Limiting beliefs such as having money when others didn’t have money and feeling guilty about it, or being judged for being extravagant or feeling ostentatious for driving a new car. Beliefs like these hold people captive in a prison of lack. The interesting thing that happened after this session was that my client immediately received an unexpected tax refund of thousands of dollars, as well as a generous monetary gift from a long lost relative. Stories like this are not at all uncommon when working on money beliefs, lack, and scarcity. I never get tired of hearing clients share stories similar to this.
I’d like to encourage you to give some thought to the significance of money in your life. How does it feel to have money? How does it feel when you can’t pay your bills? Do you pretend that you are so spiritual that money doesn’t matter to you? Do you feel superior when you have more money than your neighbor? Do you have that dis-ease of ‘needing to keep up with the Joneses?’
What is money anyway? Is that hundred dollar bill good or bad in and of itself? Or is it just energy? What does money represent to you? Take some time to discover your negative and limiting beliefs about money so that you can become the energy of generating ease, wealth and abundance in your life. Your money angels can’t catch up with you until you do the homework of removing your disapproval of having too much or your fear of not having enough.
According to ancient and mystical teachings, your money angels are actually chasing after you in order to bless you and support your purpose and your gifts for being in the world. They’re also chasing you to fulfill their purpose in supporting you with wealth and success. Your treasure is a gift for both you and your sphere of influence and the world as a whole.
In order to be successful as a spiritual leader, professional or entrepreneur, you have an obligation to become skilled in the art of interacting with the market and transforming your unique gifts and blessing into wealth. The combination of who you are and your importance in your environment is your treasure. And your treasure is to be shared with the world.
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