Ready or Not, a Change of Seasons is Upon Us!
Mother Nature is Soothing Our Resistance to Change
Eeek! Can you feel it already? That nip in the air? Have you awakened in the night with a cold nose and dashed to the closet for another blanket? Yes, winter is around the corner, whether you're ready or not!
Mother Nature is soothing our resistance to change and gently encouraging us to let go of warm, sandy beaches and summer fun. We can’t help but feel happy! Yes, we're under her spell.
As sensitive and aware individuals, we find ourselves caught up in the exhilaration and ecstasy of these magnificent autumn days with cooler temperatures and the lower humidity of seasonal change.
I marvel at the colorful majesty every year. The splashes of red, gold, orange and brown against a bright blue sky are breathtaking. And I especially love the sound of fallen leaves crunching under my feet!
This fall I was gifted with many ooh and ahh moments when my son Andrew shared his recent photographs of brilliantly colored Minnesota shore lines and dew-speckled leaves with me. And today, as a Mom very proud of her son's keen photographic eye, I'm sharing three of Andrew's fall photographs — each one a favorite of mine — with you.
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Okay, I admit it. This is my favorite time of year! And even so, today I’m asking myself and asking you to ponder what is Mother Nature teaching us through the change of seasons? What is it that we need to learn in order to make the best of changes that are uncomfortable, or changes that are totally unexpected?
Have you noticed any unwelcome changes in the world lately? Or in your life? Maybe some of these changes are making you feel rather unsettled or maybe even fearful?
One lesson from autumn's colorful leaves is the lesson of easily letting go. Letting go and releasing our grasp on people. On things. And on wants that just make us miserable when we try to hold on to them.
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What if we stopped trying to avoid each change that makes us feel uncomfortable? What if we simply took a deep breath and accepted what is?
I am sending you a special blessing today that you experience more joy, more health, and more happiness now and every day to come. I bless your extraordinary life!
If you're avoiding change, or your resistance to change and moving forward has you frozen in fear or regret, I invite you to book a complimentary discovery phone session with me HERE if you have not yet experienced empowerment coaching with me. We'll use the energy of seasonal change to your advantage to delete your negative and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
If you're one of my dear former empowerment coaching clients in need of a special fall tune-up session, email me HERE and I'll get you scheduled promptly.
Happy Fall to you and yours,
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Copyright 2014 © by Rachel L. Neumann of Your Pathway to Empowerment. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article in its entirety as long as you credit Rachel L. Neumann, the author by name, and include a working link back to this web page. All other uses are strictly prohibited.