Our Stressful Lives: Part 3

Breaking the stress addiction: The power of choice


Can you relate to the following? I want a life full of peace and tranquility, but when I have a moment of quiet, I feel agitated and restless. I don’t know what to do with myself and I feel at loose ends when I don’t have something to do.

What is happening in our bodies and with our nervous systems when we are unable to sit quietly
with nothing to do and nowhere to go? Why can’t we just enjoy the long, lazy day ahead without feeling restless and bored? 

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We already live stress-filled lives. We are so accustomed to feeling anxious and jittery. Our minds are so full of noise. Crazy thoughts just pop into our heads uninvited. And, we never even stop to consider that all of those thoughts aren’t even our thoughts! We didn’t even choose to think those thoughts of fear and worry. They just show up

When was the last time that you consciously used your free will? 

Our freedom to say yes, or to say no, is everything. 

Are you aware of the many decisions you make each day? Or are you passively going through life without thought? This includes even that quiet and unnoticed decision of which thoughts you will allow today. Choice and deciding consciously is the beginning of clearing the crazy stress that clutters each life.

If you
will it, you can bring peace and prosperity into your life. If you decide to, you can actually silence the errant thoughts in your head just as easily as clearing your house of unwanted guests. Perhaps you didn’t know and perhaps no one taught you that the correct use of your will is everything.

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What brings you pleasure?

The Divine power that flows through your body and nervous system is energized by your individual will, pleasure, and desire. What is your pleasure? What is your desire? 

Both desire and pleasure are Divine gifts designed to help you reach your highest and greatest potential.
Honor these gifts of will, desire, and pleasure and find your soul’s purpose in this life.

When stress takes over, we lose our ability to feel pleasure. 

When we are stressed out, we lose touch with our highest desires. We lose the will to reach for those desires. 

Have you ever had a conversation with yourself that went something like, “I know that I’m eating too many sweets. I should be exercising more. I need to stop staying up so late at night. I’m spending way too much time on Face Book. I’m watching too much TV and this has to change!”

Did you manage to change these patterns? 

What is the reward, the motivation, the trigger that finally moves you to take action? What does it take? How long will it take? How will you finally manage to make those changes? There are huge rewards for making life-changing decisions like these. Empowered change begins with Conscious Awareness.

A change of habit begins with conscious awareness and contact with the desire, will, and pleasure that is deep within the soul of each person. Deep change requires awareness of your own soul, that immaterial, invisible and real part of you that never forgets its purpose.
The soul only comes to this world because of a Divine desire to fulfill its purpose. How beautiful it is to honor each and every personal desire and finally realize that each desire has a spark of that Divine purpose. 

Are you struggling to find your purpose? 

Do you have trouble honoring your desire? 

Do you lack the will to create the changes that you are looking for?

Call me (or
email me) and we’ll explore if the time is now for you to embrace empowerment coaching with me.
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Copyright 2015 © by Rachel L. Neumann of Your Pathway to Empowerment. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article in its entirety as long as you credit Rachel L. Neumann, the author by name, and include a working link back to this web page. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

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