ENOUGH ALREADY! I Can’t Take it Any More
01/12/12 Categories: Empowerment
I Can’t Take it Any More
Four Easy Steps to Cure an Overdose of Technology
Four Easy Steps to Cure an Overdose of Technology
Have you been signed up, plugged in, LinkedIn, subscribed, listed, connected, contacted, pitched and preached at for so long that it’s just not fun any more? Are you addicted and afraid you might miss something if you don’t check Facebook several times a day? Are you full; so full that you can’t hear another word or read another blog without emptying the contents into the Trash, deleting your files and starting over?
That’s just what I’m tempted to do somedays. And I’m suggesting that it might be a good idea for you too, but of course, only after you’ve read this article :-)
Do you ever get the feeling that technology hasn’t made your life simpler? Like the Facebook friend of mine who has over 20,000 people on her email list; she just quit! Just like that! She simplified her life. And more importantly, I think what she truly was seeking to accomplish was creating SPACE; space for creativity, peace and solitude.
How important is that place of solitude and peace? Remember that place? It’s very empty. It’s a space without the noise of the television, your iPod or your laptop. Lately, I’ve been thinking that I would love to spend some luxurious afternoons there. Actually, let’s correct that. I’d like to take an extended vacation there in pure, silent bliss.
What if, by just entering this space, you and I could experience a sort of leap? A leap above the world of time and space at any time we wanted? What if you and I could experience the space-less-ness and timelessness of the place we just naturally inhabited as children when we were filled with awe, amazement and gratitude?
The good news is that we can go back to that simplicity again at any time. You don’t have to drop out completely or even unsubscribe from all the lists. With the simple intention of returning, we can easily enter the sacred space and temple of the heart and experience an extraordinary life full of ease and joy.
All that’s necessary is to regularly become empty. We are stuffed, we are so full; full of thoughts, limiting beliefs, worries, fears, media messages and campaign promises. And, we never stop to empty.
The path to freedom and creativity is truly simple. With four easy steps, you can become empty before you become full again.
Becoming Empty: Four Easy Steps
Step One
Turn off everything that makes noise. If the lack of noise is uncomfortable, if the silence causes resistance, release and let the noise in your body go until you can settle in to doing nothing and going nowhere with ease.
Step Two
Sit down at home or in the park or another of place of your choosing. Become comfortable in your own sacred space, the space that’s set aside especially for moments like this. And in this space, begin to enter the sacred temple of your heart.
Step Three
Breathe. Allow your inhale and exhale to flow effortlessly. Feel your breath. Hear your breath. Visualize your breath until the sense, sound and sight of your breath become one. You are now being breathed by the Divine Respirator and Creator of all souls.
Step Four
Now, begin to empty. Empty your mind of any chaos, confusion and worry. Push the pause button and wait until all is quiet again. Continue until your mind is as still as glass and completely empty.
No creative endeavor begins until you become empty. Emptiness is the first step to creating something new and wonderful in your life.
All conception begins in emptiness. As the Zen teaching says, if you offer the universe a full rice bowl, it cannot be filled; if you present an empty rice bowl, the universe will fill it.
Starting on empty can be difficult to do, especially in this world of constant connection through technology. If you’re in need of becoming empty, letting go, releasing and relinquishing this often-overwhelming accumulation of mind clutter, and you need support in doing so, I’m here to help you do just that.
Why not make a decision to start on empty this new year? Empty out your closets, empty the unnecessary clutter in your mind, empty the confusion, the worry and that suffocating overwhelm. Experience for yourself how life becomes easier, more peaceful and so much more enjoyable when you clear all the chaos that's cluttering your mind.
Have a great 2012 and happy emptying,
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